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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-2 (February)
Print ISSN : 2249-7315
Online ISSN : 2249-7315

Table of contents

Study on service qualiy measurement in retail outlet management systems in India
Dr. V. Antony Joe Raja

Emotional Intelligence Persuades General Mental Ability And Conscientiousness
Dr. J. Venkatesh, Mr. D. Balaji

Consumers’ behaviour and dealers’ perception towards dairy products – a case study of dharwad milk union of Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF)
Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu

High tech banking in India – Emerging challenges and future prospects
Dr. R.K. Uppal

An assessment of maternal health status of women in Uttar Pradesh: A comparative study
Ajay Kumar, Monika Singh, N.M.P. Verma

To Hold Hands With Other People: Reinventing Local Action Planning For Pro-Poor Urban Governance In Chennai
T. Vasantha Kumaran, S. Divya Rajeswari

A study on marketing strategies, problems and analysis of sugar industry – A case study of Hira Sugars, Sankeshwar, Karnataka
Dr. N. Ramanjaneyalu, Mahantesh P Biradar

Self-help groups bank linkage programme: The Indian experience
Dr. Suresh Vadde

Poverty among Panians – A primitive tribal group in the Nilgiris district
Dr. P. Ambiga Devi, Dr. S. Gandhimathi, Dr. Hema Srikumar

Impact of work life balance on organizational commitment among bank employees
Dr. T.G. Vijaya, R. Hemamalini

A study on management practices of entrepreneurs in informal sector
Dr. P. Vikkraman, Mr. S. Baskaran

Impact of organized food retailing on traditional food retailers: A study in Bangalore city
A.M. Sheela

Psychological well-being: A comparative study of institutionalized and non-institutionalized aged
Dr. Pankaj S. Suvera

Female literacy: Issues and challenges in Rajasthan
Ms. Asha A. Jindal, Dr. N. N. Pandey

Development of small scale industries in the era of liberalisation: A study of Himachal Pradesh
Dr. Parkashchandel


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