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Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Science
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 4
First page : ( 260) Last page : ( 266)
Print ISSN : 2231-5640. Online ISSN : 2231-5659.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-5659.2019.00040.7

Antidepressant activity of Chrysanthemum morifolium Linn in mice

Shewale Avani*, Naikwade N. S., Ladda P. L.

Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy Sangli. Dis-Sangli, Maharashtra, India-416416

*Corresponding Author E-mail: avanishewale1222@gmail.com

Online published on 3 January, 2020.


Depression is the common symptom in today's scenario. The Ethanolic extract of Chrysanthemum morifolium Linn (EECM) contains flavonoids compound which has shown therapeutic potential in neurological diseases. The study was undertaken to evaluate antidepressant activity of EECM using Despair Swim Test (DST) and Tail Suspension Test (TST). The Swiss Albino mice weighing about 20–25 gm were used. The animals were divided into 4 groups, each group comprising of 6 animals, (n=6). Group I was control received Distilled Water (10ml/kg per oral), Group II Standard Imipramine HCl (10gm/kg per oral) and Group III and IV Test group, receives EECM (250 and 500 mg/kg per oral respectively). All drugs were administered for 10 days. The results were analysed using one way ANOVA followed by Dunnetts test, p<0.05 was considered as significant. The effect of EECM on immobility periods of mice were assessed in DST and TST. The effect of EECM was compared with that of control. The effect of 500mg/kg showed significant reduction in immobility time of mice in both DST and TST. The present study suggests that possible antidepressant activity of EECM in mice on the 500mg/kg drug administration is more than 250mg/kg.



Chrysanthemum morifolium Linn, Imipramine HCl, Despair Swim Test, Tail Suspension Test.


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