A Review Article on Study of Cloning Sutar Deepali Anand*, Mrs. Jain Bhavana. U., Mr. Kondawar Manish Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Appasaheb Birnale College of Pharmacy, 416416 District-Sangli, Maharashtra, India *Corresponding Author E-mail: dipalisutar604@gmail.com
Online published on 3 July, 2019. Abstract DNA cloning, that can be used to discover new ways of warding off diseases and ailments is good and by no means harmful. A group of genetically identical cells produced by mitotic division from an original cell. The production of genetically identical animals by ‘embryo splitting ’. This can occur naturally at the two cell stage to give identical twins. The type of cloning which we will focus on here is called Nuclear Transfer. Cloning requires specialized microsurgery tools. There are two ways to make an exact genetic copy of an organism in a lab artificial embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In 1996, the Roslin Institute, England cloned “Dolly, ” a sheep to demonstrate that somatic cells were able to be used as donor cells for the procedure, prior to this blastoceles (stem cells) were used in nuclear transfer technology. Around 2004–2005, in South Korean scientists falsely claimed to have used somatic cell nuclear transfer to create embryonic stem cell lines, the scientific community demanded much stronger evidence that the procedure had actually been successful. Cloned buffalo gave birth to a baby buffalo in India. In 2007 Primate embryonic stem cells created by somatic cell nuclear transfer. A DNA from an organism is transferred to a self-replicating genetic element such as a bacterial plasmid. Reproductive cloning is the basis of most controversial debates regarding the Genetic Revolution. The California Advising Committee on Human Cloning found that: Attempts at cloning certain species such as monkeys, chickens, horses and dogs have been unsuccessful. Top Keywords Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, DNA Cloning, Embryo Twinning, Embryonic stem cells, Mitotic division. Top |