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Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Science
Year : 2018, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 170) Last page : ( 176)
Print ISSN : 2231-5640. Online ISSN : 2231-5659.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-5659.2018.00030.9

The Practice of Counseling in Pharmacy: Patients’ Perspectives

Dr. Layqah Laila Ali1,*, Dr. Alakeel Yousif S.2,**, Dr. Shamou Jinan Z.3,***

1King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC)

2King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (KSAU-HS)

3Xian Jiaotong University China, Xian Jiaotong University, China

*Corresponding Author E-mail: laikal_22@hotmail.com



Online published on 24 October, 2018.



The objective of the study was to assess pharmacists’ counseling practices from the patient perspective usingthe United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Medication Counseling Behavior Guidelines (MCBG) questionnaire.


Thiswas a cross-sectional study conducted over4 monthsin the outpatients section of the pharmacy department in two tertiary care hospitals: King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, and King Fahad Medical City. Participants were randomly selected to complete the USP-MCBG questionnaire, and gave their full consent to the data collector. USP-MCBG questionnaire is an interactive approach between the patient and the pharmacist, which takes into account the patient's special needs, beliefs and perceptions about medication use. The questionnaire included 33items with a two-point response scale. The questionnaire was divided into four sections corresponding to the four stages of the medication counseling process.


During thestudy period, 520subjects wereenrolled and of these, 486 responded to our questionnaire (response rate: 93%). The study population was gender balanced; most respondents (88%) were Saudi nationals, and 49% reportedhaving at least high school education. There were no differences between the socio-demographic profiles of participants at the two study sites. The overall mean USP-MCBG score of satisfaction was 3.18 ±0.11 (highest score is 5). Within subsections of the questionnaire, ‘Management oftreatment’ scored the highest (1.14±0.05) and ‘Communication’ scored the lowest (0.35±0.03).In terms of medication counseling, more than >80% of patientshad a positive perception and were satisfied with the performance of outpatientpharmacists. At almost all stages of the counseling process, there was a slightly inverselyproportional relationship between patient age and satisfaction with pharmacist performance.


Using the USP-MCB guidelines, patients’ perceptionof and satisfaction with pharmacists counseling in the outpatient setting was positive. Greater effort is needed to ensure effective counseling services in particular subpopulations, such as in the elderly. In general, patients were more satisfied with pharmacist counseling pertinent to “management of treatment”, however, they were less satisfied regarding the pharmacists ’way of communication



Assessment, Patient counseling, Pharmacists, Perspective.


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