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Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 2
First page : ( 15) Last page : ( 27)
Online ISSN : 2277-6621.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2277-6621.2018.00004.X

Boosting customer engagement and customer experience using iot in Indian retail scenario

Gowda Divakar M1, Biswal Amit2

1Faculty, Strategy & Leadership, Institute of Management, Christ University, Bengaluru, India

2Research Scholar, Institute of Management, Christ University, Bengaluru, India

Online published on 7 September, 2018.


With improvements in IoT, Retail businesses have already started leveraging IoT using a mix of Beacons, Mobile Apps & Analytics to drive sales, engage customers and optimize inventory. To drive sales revenue, Technology driven businesses should work on keeping their customers engaged to their products & service offerings. Customer Engagement in turn is dependent on the level of personalization the business can achieve by leveraging a multitude of customer data to gain a 360degree understanding of consumer's cognitive, emotional, physical and external environment. This paper presents an analysis of how the retail consumers are perceiving personalized user interactions which retail businesses try to engage them with, using the currently available IoT Technologies. The analysis has been supported with Primary data using a survey done on a group of consumers along with secondary data. Based on the results derived from the survey, a set of high impact recommendations have been derived for driving user engagement. These recommendations if implemented could help retail businesses boost their customer engagement and experience, hence boosting sales revenue.


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