Investigating brand equity formation for employees: evidence from Iran's banking industry Balaghi Mansoor Master of Business Administration, Marketing, Department of Business, Payamnoor University, Fasa, Fars Province, Iran Online published on 9 October, 2014. Abstract The role of human resource as a highly strategic influential resource on financial outcome of any organization is now clear for both academics and practitioners. Literature is full of researches which aimed to examine the influential variables and factors which can boost the performance of human resource. In recent years marketers and managers have tried to examine related influential factors on employees and one of the newly made concepts in this regard is employee-based brand equity. The purpose of this study is to examine this new concept in banking industry and to see the antecedents involved in this process. The sample of this study was the employees of Meli and Melat banks. Results show that employees brand commitment and role clarity have direct effect on their brand equity. Managerial implications and directions for future researches have been discussed in the final section. Top Keywords Employee-based brand equity, banking industry, knowledge dissemination, role clarity, brand commitment. Top | |
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