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Asian Journal of Research in Marketing
Year : 2014, Volume : 3, Issue : 5
First page : ( 140) Last page : ( 152)
Online ISSN : 2277-6621.

Identifying and rating of marketing mix components for raisin export

Ghazizadeh Mostafaa, Khodamoradi Saeidb, Badrhesari Yahyac

aAssistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Shahed University, Iran

bAssistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Shahed University, Iran

cM.A in Marketing Management, Shahed University, Iran

Online published on 9 October, 2014.


Qazvin province is ranked second place in raisin export of Iran. Increasing the rate and export income of the province demands numerous procedures. In this regard, designing and exploiting export mix with operational approach has a great importance. Identifying and screening of mix components, investigating internal relationships among the components and determining their weight and rate is the first step in designing export mix. Based on the comments provided by experts of production, processing and business of raisin, a combination of multiple criteria methods was used. Managers and experts of the companies involved in raisin export in Qazvin province were selected as statistical population. Relationships among these components and their rating was carried out by DEMATEL method and network analysis and the results showed that price and quality are the most effective and most important components of raisin export mix, respectively.



Marketing mix, multiple criteria decision making, raisin export, Dematel, Qazvin.


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