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Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry
Year : 2015, Volume : 8, Issue : 7
First page : ( 459) Last page : ( 464)
Print ISSN : 0974-4169. Online ISSN : 0974-4150.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-4150.2015.00075.9

Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some 4-(5((1h-Benzo [D][1, 2, 3]Triazol-1-Yl)Methyl)-1, 3, 4-Oxadiazol-2yl)-N-Benzylidenebenamine Derivative as a Anti-Microbial and Anti-Convulsant Agents

Dhanaraju M.D.1,*, Gopi C.2, Sastry V. Girija2

1GIET School of Pharmacy, Rajahmundry-533106

2Research Scholar, JNTUK-Kakinada

*Corresponding Author E-mail: gopi.baid@yahoo.com

Online published on 17 October, 2015.


Drug resistant towards available drug is rapid and major worldwide problem in the present scenario. There is a need to prepare drugs which shows less resistant and high therapeutic profile. The purpose of this research was to solve the above issues and to find the novel anti-microbial and anti-convulsant agent of Schiff bases from benzotriazole and ethyl chloro acetate. All the synthesized compounds were prepared by a series of reactions; which is initiated by the action of benztriazole and ethyl chloro acetate followed by hydrazine, phosphorus oxychloride, para amino benzoic acid and different aromatic aldehydes. All the titled compounds were characterized by IR, H-NMR, MASS spectroscopy and Elemental analysis. Most of the compounds were exhibited excellent anti-microbial activity and anti-convulsant activity against the standard drug.



Benzotriazole, ethyl chloro acetate, Schiff base, anti-convulsant and anti-microbial activity.


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