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Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry
Year : 2015, Volume : 8, Issue : 5
First page : ( 307) Last page : ( 317)
Print ISSN : 0974-4169. Online ISSN : 0974-4150.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-4150.2015.00051.6

Identification synthesis of process-related impurities (substances) ethyl-4-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2-propyl-imidazole-5-carboxylate [key intermediate of Olmesartan medoxomil (Anti hypertensive drug)]

Venkannaa G.2, Madhusudhan G.1,*, Mukkanti K.2, Kumar Y. Sampath1

1Department of Research and Development, Inogent Laboratories Private Limited (A GVK BIO Company), 28A, IDA, Nacharam, Hyderabad-500 076, India

2Centre for Chemical Sciences and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-500 072, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: madhusudhan.gutta@yahoo.com

Online published on 25 June, 2015.


During the preparation of ethyl 4-(1-Hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2-propylimidazole-5-carboxylate (1), derivative, eleven related substances (Impurities and analog) were observed along with the final Imidazole derivative. Those impurities were identified as, Ethyl carbinol imidazole (13), Methoxy imidazole (14), Olefinic imidazole (15), 4-Acetyl imidazole (12), Diacetyl imidazole (16), 5-Acetyl imidazole (17), Diethyl ester imidazole (9), Acetate imidazole Impurity (23), Propionate imidazole Impurity (29), Isobutyrate Imidazole Impurity (41) and butyl Imidazole Impurity (35). Present work describes the synthesis and characterization of all these elven impurities.



Ethyl 4-(1-Hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-2-propylimidazole-5-carboxylate (1) key intermidate of olmesartan medoxomil, synthesis and characterization of impurities.


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