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Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry
Year : 2009, Volume : 2, Issue : 4
First page : ( 388) Last page : ( 389)
Print ISSN : 0974-4169. Online ISSN : 0974-4150.

Estimation of Rutin and Quercetin in Terminalia chebula By HPLC

Kumar BS Ashok1,*, Lakshman K2, Jayaveera KN3, Krishna N Vamshi1, Manjunath M4, Suresh MV4,  Shivatej5, Reddy Hanumantha5, Naik Sudheer5

1Department of Pharmacognosy, Sri K.V.College of Pharmacy, Chickballapur, Karnataka (INDIA)

2Department of Pharmacognosy, PES College of Pharmacy, Bangaluru, Karnataka (INDIA)

3Department of Chemistry, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh (INDIA)

4Department of Pharmacognosy, Rural College of Pharmacy, Devanahalli, Karnataka (INDIA)

5Department of Pharmacognosy, Sri Krishna Chaithanya College of Pharmacy, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, (INDIA)

*Corresponding Author E-mail: ashok4vani@gmail.com

Online published on 13 March, 2013.


Tannins and Flavonoids present in the Terminalia chebula, Flavonoids like Rutin and quercetin possess many biochemical effects like inhibition of enzymes, regulatory role on different hormones and pharmacological activities like antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, antihepatotoxic, protection of cardio vascular system. An HPLC method was developed for the estimation of rutin and quercetin from methanol methanolic extract of Terminalia chebula



Terminalia chebula, Rutin, Quercetin, HPTLC, Standardization.


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