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Year : 2021, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 10)
Print ISSN : 0974-4169. Online ISSN : 0974-4150. Published online : 2021  15.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-4150.2021.00003.1

Determination of Tropicamide and Hydroxyamphetamine in Opthalmic formulations by RP-HPLC and its Validation

Devadasu Ch1,*, Sravya G1

1Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Koringa College of Pharmacy, Korangi- 533461 Dist-East Godavari (Andhra Pradesh) India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail:devdaspharma@gmail.com

Received:  08  ,  2020; Accepted:  10  December,  2020.


The aim of this study was to develop a simple and suitable analytical method for determination of tropicamide and hydroxyamphetamine in ophthalmic preparations. A fast, sensitive, and reliable RP-HPLC method involving cyber lab HPLC System with UV detection was developed and validated for the determination and quantification of Tropicamide, an antimuscarinic agent used as eye drops for refractive examinations and Hydroxyamphetamine. Chromatography was performed on the Inertsil-ODS C18 (250 x 4.6mm, 5p) column using filtered and mixed Degassed Methanol: Buffer (75:25) as a mobile phase with a flow rate of 1.0ml/min and an effluent of 257nm. Retention times for Tropicamide 3.047min, and Hydroxyamphetamine 4.313. The method was found to be linear (r2> 0.999) in the range of 20-80 μg/ml for the drug candidates selected.



Method Development, Validation, Tropicamide, Hydroxyamphetamine, RP-HPLC.


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