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Year : 2020, Volume : 13, Issue : 6
First page : ( 473) Last page : ( 484)
Print ISSN : 0974-4169. Online ISSN : 0974-4150. Published online : 2020  15.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-4150.2020.00084.X

Socioeconomic valorization and development of a bio-fungicide from essential oils of four Algerian aromatic and medicinal plants: Artemisia herba alba Asso, Mentha pulegium L, Rosmarinus officinalis L and Ocimum basilicum L.

Mahcene Zineb1*, Mahcene Zoubida2, Bireche Kamilia3, Serdouk Fateh4

1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences, Department of Biological sciences, Lab of Protecting Ecosystems in Arid and Semi Arid areas., Ouargla30000, Algeria.

2Faculty of Economics, Commercial Sciences and Management, Department of economic sciences, Ouargla30000, Algeria.

3Faculty of Mathematics and Science of Matter, Department of Biological sciences, Lab of Valorization and Promotion of Saharan Resources, Ouargla30000, Algeria.

4Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management sciences, Department of Chimical Sciences, El oued39000, Algeria.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: mahcene.zineb@gmail.com

Received:  12  ,  2020; :  05  ,  2020; Accepted:  27  ,  2020.


This work aims to research new bio-fungicidal molecules based on the essential oils (EO) of Artemisia herba alba Asso, Mentha pulegium L, Rosmarinus officinalis L and Ocimum basilicum L for the food protection and preservation against fungal attacks, also, to determine the chemical composition and the socio-economic interest of oil. The plant material used in this study is represented by the aerial part of O. basilicum L., A. herba-alba Asso, M. pulegium L and the leaves and flowers of R. officinalis L dried for a week, protected from the light and at room temperature. EO chemical composition analysis by GC/MS revealed 36, 26, 34 and 27 constituents for A. herba alba Asso, R. officinalis L, O. basilicum L and M. pulegium L EO, respectively. The antifungal activity of the oils was tested using the direct contact PDA method by determining mycelial growth rate and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results of the antifungal study showed that all the fungal strains tested are sensitive to different concentrations of the EO applied with a great antifungal potential by an MIC between 139.08 and 1082.76 μg/ml. Thanks to the antifungal power of the EO of the plants studied, the latter demonstrate that the can constitute an important source of several active ingredients including the antifungal activity necessary for a bio-fungicidal product with a more advantageous national socioeconomic level.



Bio-fungicide, Essential oil, socio-economic valorization, chemical composition.


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