Effect of Solvent on Kinetics of acid Catalyzed solvolysis of Amyl Methanoate Formate in water-ethylene glycol (EG) mixture Singh A K1* 1Department of Chemistry, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India. *Corresponding Author E--mail: dr.anilkumarsingh2009@gmail.com
Abstract The hydrolysis of Amyl Methanoate was investigated volumetrically in water-EG media for kinetic studies at various composition having 30 to 80% of EG at five different temperature 20 to 40°c.The following conclusion were reached: first, the depletion of rate with gradual addition of organic co-solvent with increasing temperature of reaction media has been explained in term of salvation of initial and transition states to different extents. Secondly, the changes in value of iso-composition and iso-dielectric Activation energy of the reaction media has also been explained in light of salvation and desolvation of initial and transition states to different extant. The increase in numerical values of ( AG*) with decrease in enthalpy of activation ( AH*) and entropy of activation ( AS*) of the reaction, reveals that ethylene glycol acts as entropy control solvent. Effect of ionic strength and [H+] ion on the reaction on the rate has also been studied and it is concluded that acid catalised hydrolysis of amyl methanoate is ion- dipolar reaction and it follows A AC2mechanistic pathways of water-EG media. From the evaluated values of increasing number of water molecule associated in the formation of activated complex inferred that in presence of ethylene glycol, the bio molecular mechanistic pathways of the reaction has been change to unimolecular. Reaction is entropy controlled because numerical values of ( AG*) increase with simultaneous decrease in ( AH *) and ( AS *) values of the reaction media. Top Keywords Activation energy (Iso-composition and Iso- dielectric), Water-ethylene glycol, amyl methanoate formate, kinetic solvent effect, Rate constant. Top | | | |
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