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Year : 2020, Volume : 13, Issue : 5
First page : ( 395) Last page : ( 406)
Print ISSN : 0974-4169. Online ISSN : 0974-4150. Published online : 2020  15.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-4150.2020.00073.5

Recent Advances in Biological and Catalytic Activities of Schiff base containing Acetylacetone and their Metal Complexes - A Short Overview

Islam Raisul1, Uddin Ekhlass1, Ashrafuzzaman1, Bitu Nur Amin1, Asraf Ali1, Hossen Faruk1, Haque M.1, Mannan Abdul1, Zahan Kudrat E1,*

1Department of chemistry, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: kudrat.chem@ru.ac.bd

Received:  27  ,  2020; Accepted:  15  ,  2020.


Acetylacetonate containing Schiff base and their metal complexes has a wide range of applications in microbiology as anti-microbial agents, the chemical industry as catalyst, and is an important chemical in cancer treatement. The extra-ordinary ligating properties of acetylacetonate enable them to form a large number of complex compounds with transition metals, a vast majority of which find abundant applications in potential areas. This has stimulated researchers to explore novel applications of the synthesized ligands and the metal complexes thereof. This review presents a report of the studies on the biological activities, anticancer properties, and catalytic activities of acetylacetonate and their metal complexes.



Acetylacetonate, Biological activities, Anticancer properties, And catalytic activities.


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