Indian E-Commerce Industry: Challenges and Opportunities Dr. Bajwa Rubeena, Assistant Professor, Dr. Dhillon Jaskaran Singh, Associate Professor, Ms. Kaur Tejbir, Assistant Professor School of Commerce & Management, Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab Abstract Widely considered as an important medium of buying and selling products online, E-commerce includes all transactions done through internet. E-commerce has taken the world of retail by storm. The explosive growth in the last few years has already catapulted the biggest firms. The sector has grown three times in four years to nearly 12.6 billion USD in 2013. The rapid growth of e-commerce industry has changed the way we do business and communicate. Establishing captive logistics infrastructure, simplification of laws, dealing with security issues and earning long term profitability are the trends to be watched out by the Indian E-Commerce industry. Top Keywords E-Commerce, Online marketing, B2C, FDI, SWOT. Top | |
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