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Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance
Year 2013, Volume-3, Issue-7 (July)
Online ISSN : 2249-7323

Table of contents

Assessment of electronic banking using balanced scorecard and fuzzy logic
Ali Jamshidi, Siamak Farrahi, Shahram Rezaee, Maryam Mohebbi

Takaful industry in Pakistan: Problems & prospects
Dr. Rukhsar Ahmed

Leasing industry in Pakistan: Problems & prospects
Dr. Rukhsar Ahmed, Dr. Kamran Siddiqui, Dr. Immamuddin Mufti

Financial performance evaluation of regional rural banks (RRBs) in Karnataka – post amalgamation
Dr. A.P. Hosmani, Mr. Prashanth

Islamic banking in Pakistan – Problems and prospects
Dr. Rukhsar Ahmed, Dr. Kamran Siddiqui, Dr. Immamuddin Mufti

Financial measurees using z-score with reference to KBD sugars
Dr. T. Sobhba Rani


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