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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 7
First page : ( 181) Last page : ( 203)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7307.2017.00106.2

A critical analysis of John P. Kotter's change management framework

Rajan R.*, Dr. Ganesan R.**

*Doctoral Research Scholar, Saveetha University, Saveetha School of Management, Thiruverkkadu, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,

**Professor & Chairman, National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), Tamil Nadu, Chennai, India,

Online published on 17 July, 2017.


The process of change management is such that it needs a phenomenal and experimented model in terms of adaptation within an organization. Keeping this in view, the present research study focuses on critical review on readiness and applicability of John P. Kotter's change management framework for implementation in Small Medium Enterprises, based on Practitioner's validation from practical viewpoints in successfully managing a change program. Also, envisages on identifying gaps in each step of this framework from execution perspective, highlight recommendations for improving this framework thereby increasing the acceptance level by practitioners for wide spread adoption across industries. A list of 40 Small Medium Enterprises with a revenue target between 20 Cr to 30 Cr has been chosen using simple random sampling technique from SME directory, based out of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The CEO's have been approached through a structured work shop. The detailed validation of this model has been carried out from the perspective of practitioners. The CEO's team opined that this framework provides fundamental conceptual inputs on implementing a change successfully and disseminating in to the culture of an organization. However, the execution methods with suitable examples on templates and tools required at every stage are not illustrated. In addition to that, CEO's team narrated the need for this frame work to address components in identifying and implementing clear measure for estimating effectiveness of change, which needs to be implemented for industrial growth. The analysis and inferences made on the change management framework by John. P. Kotter is based on a team of CEO's belonging to Small Medium Sectors. The recommendations made on improving

this model for wider adoption by practitioners, which are confined to this chosen group. The researchers also recommend that similar studies must be conducted across different industries at CXO level team for validation of this frame work. This research study has proposed number of changes to be incorporated in the change management framework, from practitioner's viewpoint. Moreover, these changes are to be included in the core design of this framework, which will further enhance the visibility among the other practitioners and make it as a robust executable model. This research essentially has validated readiness and suitability of John. P. Kotter's change management framework, by a team of practicing CEO's who have been championing the change improvement initiatives. Hence, the outcome of this critical review and specific recommendations made by this high power management team could be of great value in further refining this model for adoption across industries.



Change Management, Execution Methodology, Goals Deployment, Management Commitment, Change Leadership, Sustenance.


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