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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year 2017, Volume-7, Issue-12 (December)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307

Table of contents

Job Involvement and Perceived Organizational Support Drive Service Performance
Owais Ahmed

Sustainable Development Through Sustainable Tourism in India-A Case Study of Kerala Tourism
Dr. T Venugopalan, Dharmendra Kumar

Do Traditional Accounting-based Performance Measures explain the Stock Returns better than EVA®?-Evidence from India
Ashita Agrawal

Dial E for Emotional Labour? Experiencing Emotional Labour by Call Centre Employees
Pranita Sonar, Dr. Manisha Paliwal

Is India Steadfast in Expenditure Pattern for Innovation, Research and Development?
Dr. Hema Latha Rama Krishnan

Effects of Psychological Stress of Working Women in their Lifestyle
Dr. Budheshwar Prasad Singhraul, Yogita Satish Garwal

Measurement Modelling on Knowledge Management and Mentoring Behaviour: Employee Self-Efficacious and Citizenship Behaviour in Indian Auto Ancillaries & Auto Components
Dr. M. Kathiravan, Dr. V. M. Anitharajathi, Dr. Sai Kumar V, V. Sunitha

Identify the Factors Affecting the Professional Ethics of Government Organizations Managers from the Perspective of Employees Ministry of Agriculture (Line Complex of Arian Babolkenar)
Alinejad Hossein

Bridging Gap between Desirability and Availability of Banking Service: An Excellent Road Map in the Emerging Competition
Priyanka Sidana


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