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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 4
First page : ( 334) Last page : ( 339)
Online ISSN : 2249-7307.

The structure of the labor market, education system, and the potential role of human capital in Iran

Bayat Gholamreza Fatahia, Goodarzi Mohammad Rezab, Goodarzi Ahmadc

aAssistant Professor, Management Department Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch- Iran

bPhD. Economy and Management, Assistant Professor, Department of School Administration Athar of Arak, University Technical & Professional, Iranian oil pipelines and telecommunications company employee the central region

cResearch Assistant, University Jihad in Central Province, Iran

Online published on 15 April, 2014.


Recent research about labor market in Islamic Republic of Iran has shown that there are many problems in employment policies. High unemployment rate, regional and political passivity of women and lack of communication between labor market and education system are some characteristics of Iranian society that effect on employment. Relationship between employment and human capital shows a paradox in current education system and favorable conditions. Research in this field indicates that in general there has been a lack of coordination between goals and objectives of reproduction and effective use of human capital. Quality of education as an important element of human capital has not been given proper attention according to the requirements of the labor market.



Labor market, human capital, unemployment rate, employment problems, migration, vocational qualification distribution.


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