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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-9 (September)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000
Online ISSN : 2249-7307

Table of contents

Internet corporate social responsibility disclosures and its determinants: Evidence from malaysian listed companies
Saeid Homayoun, Jeaneth Johansson, Malin MalmstrÖm, Zabihollah Rezaee

Efficiency in supply chain of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn) in India through post-harvest management: Effect of chemicals and packaging materials
Nainwal Navin Chandra, B.K. Sikka, R. L. Lal, Kanchan Nainwal

The relationship between inflation and economic growth in pakistan: An econometric approach
Najid Ahmad, Uma-Tul Shafi Joyia

The impact of stock market development and banks on economic growth for SAARC countries: A panel analysis
Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Mahmood-Ul-Hasan, Mohammad Nur Nobi, Md. Rokonuzzaman

Exports and economic growth in Pakistan: Evidence from ordinary least squares and granger causality tests
Najid Ahmad, Uma-Tul Shafi Joyia, Muhammad Luqman

An exploratory study on: The human resource development climate in private and public banks in Chennai, India
R. Ramsun, K. Kamaraj, Dr. C. Kathiravan

Job satisfaction in retailing sector

Do the number and competence of accounting personnel have any contribution to the printing companies in ethiopia?
Lalithia Rani, Fitsum Kidane

Understanding perspectives of knowledge work and knowledge worker perceptions for effective performance management in Indian organizations: Review and insights
Dr. Sitanath Mazumdar, Sujoya Ray Moulik

Private label opportunity analysis across product categories in Indian organized retail sector
Dr. Nishithkumar H. Bhatt, Prof. Chirag B. Rathod

Role of information espousal of investment decision on stock market
Beeralaguddada Srinivas, Dr. K.A. Rasure, Nayakara Honnurswamy, Raghavendra Shanabhog

Trademark law Vis-À-Vis comparative advertisement an instrument to puff or trademark infringement
Ruchi Aggarwal

An exploratory study on retailing factors in India with special reference to retail outlet branding
Dr. J. Mohan Raj, Dr. O. M. Hajamohideen, Mr. S. Shanmugam, Mr. A. Aldrin Sridhar

Factor affecting the inequality of municipal solid waste management services in Delhi: A systematic inquiry
Ashwani Kumar, Yogender Kumar

Organic farming – how far promotes sustainable agriculture?
Suman Kumar Kundu

Customers’ perception towards public distribution system in Tiruchendur
G.S. Nalini

Globalization and India's agricultural export: Performance and prospects
Dr. V. B. Khurud, Dr. B.S. Khurud

Urban informal sector in India
Dr. R.S Aminatha Ratnam, S. Thirunavukarasu

E-commerce (B2C) next shopping destination for consumers in India
Jitendra K. Sharma, Daisy Kurien, Dr. S. Chinnam Reddy

A case study on attitude of rural and urban customers of khadi products
Dr(Mrs.) Padmasani, S. Muruganandan, M. Yazhini

To analyse and identify the important elements of success in industrial relations for better quality and productivity in the manufacturing industries [The research study conducted at Karnataka state]
Dr. S. Pruthviraja Pande, Dr. S. Ramesh, Dr. Satpathy

Risk diversification: A cross country cointegration approach
Hirak Ray, Tamojit Ray, Abhijit Lahiri

The composition of sectors and performance of agriculture in India: A study of post reform period
Dr. Sonali Jain

Impact of globalization on the level of employment in India
Dr. Supriya Jha

Motivation for teamwork and individual development: A study in regional medical and research centre in India
Dr. Papori Baruah

Role of information and communication technology in rural livelihood development with special reference to agro sector
Dr. Richa Yadav, Rakhi Pareek


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