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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-3 (March)
Online ISSN : 2249–7307

Table of contents

Customer delivery and delights in Indian banking– an empirical analysis at HDFC bank, ICICI bank, vis a vis SBI
Dr. Deepak Tandon, Dr. Samiksha Ojha, Dr. Neelam Tandon

Gender issues in the context of Amartyasen's development as freedom: World development report 2012—An empirical approach
B.B. Dave

A review: Managing transportation in supply chain management
Om Prakash Pathak

A study on effect of negative emotional appeals on cognitive message processing style of Indian house wives with specific focus on FMCG product's television advertisements
Prof. Mitesh Jayswal, Ms. Kruti Shah

Studies on the implementation of system application product (SAP) materials management (MM-module) in sugar cane cultivation and harvesting
S. Chandraju, B. Raviprasad, C. S. Chidan Kumar

Ecommerce applications and flavors: Customers and business companion
Ms. Pooja Gupta, Ms. Manisha Sharma

Private equity: An Indian perspective
Mr. Jayanta Kumar Bihari, Sudatta Bharati Mohapatra

Green marketing in India: Opportunities and challenges
Swapna Latha Aggani

Deteminants of borrowing behaviour of farmers
Dr. S. Gandhimathi, Dr. P. Ambigadevi, K. R. Gomathy

Performance analysis of banking groups in relation to scheduled commercial banks in India
Dr. N. Kavitha

A review - Management role and commitment towards workplace violence
Mrs. K. Gunasundari, Dr. G. Ravindran

Agro processing industries in india – An inter state growth analysis
Dr. Rajiv Khosla, Dr. Manoj Sharma

Livelihood pattern of brickfield workers in Bangladesh
Mst. Farhana Yeasmin, Dr. Abdullah Abusayed Khan


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