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Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : ( 137) Last page : ( 143)
Print ISSN : 2231-5705. Online ISSN : 2231-5713.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-5713.2017.00022.8

Formulation and evaluation of mouth dissolving Tablets of carbamazepine

Marabathuni V Jhansipriya1,*, Bhavani M.1, Lavanya M.1, Padmaja K.1, Madhavi N.1, Babu P.1, Rao Ch. M. M. Prasada2

1 Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, Bellamkonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Podili

2Department of Pharm. Chemistry, QIS College of Pharmacy, Ongole

*Corresponding Author E-mail: jhansi.priya356@gmail.com

Online published on 17 October, 2017.


Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant. It works by decreasing nerve impulses that cause seizures and pain. Carbamazepine is used to treat seizures and nerve pain such as trigeminal neuralgia and diabetic neuropathy. Carbamazepine is also used to treat bipolar disorder. Due to sudden onset of attack, it is necessary to formulate antiepileptics into such a delivery system, which provide immediate relief. Hence, the present investigation was undertaken with a view to develop mouth-dissolving tablets of Carbamazepine, which offers a new range of product having desired characteristics and intended benefits. In this study, the mouth dissolving tablets were prepared using two different technologies, direct compression method and solid dispersion technology. Tablets produced by direct compression method contain crospovidone as a super disintegrant and sorbitol as a sweetener. Solid dispersions of Carbamazepine with polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30 and polyethylene glycol 6000 in different weight ratios were prepared with a view to increase its water solubility. Carbamazepine solid dispersions with polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30 in 1: 2 ratios of drug: carrier showed maximum drug release and hence, compressed along with other excipients into mouth dissolving tablet. The results compared for both the technologies showed that the Carbamazepine tablets prepared using solid dispersion technology was found to have good technological properties and satisfying and reproducible drug dissolution profiles. Moreover, the drug release was found to be comparable to the marketed dispersible tablet.



Carbamazepine, Mouth dissolving tablets, PVP K30, PEG 6000, Solid dispersions, FT-IR, Dissolution rate.


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