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Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 3
First page : ( 73) Last page : ( 78)
Print ISSN : 2231-5705. Online ISSN : 2231-5713.

Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of the Methanol Extract of the Flowers of Tamarindus indica

Vijayabhaskar Kanakam1,*, Venkateshwarlu Goli1, Bhaskar J.1, Srisailam K.2, Swapna More3

1Venkateshwara Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nalgonda, 508002

2Department of Pharmacy, Satavahana University, Karimnagar, 505001

3Vaagdevi College of Pharmacy, Warangal, 506001

*Corresponding Author E-mail: bhasakr3743@yahoo.com

Online published on 5 June, 2014.


A monotypic genus and belongs to the subfamily Caesalpinioideae of the family Leguminosae (Fabaceae), Tamarindus indica L., commonly known as Tamarind tree is one of the most important multipurpose tropical fruit tree species in the Indian subcontinent antioxidative potential of the methanol extract of tamarindus indca was evaluated using various antioxidant assays, including DPPH, superoxide, nitric oxide (NO), hydroxyl radical scavenging and ironchelating activity. Total phenolic and flavonoid content of SM was also determined by a colorimetric method. The extract exhibited powerful free radical scavenging, especially against DPPH, hydroxyl radical scavenging and ironchelating activity as well as a moderate effect on NO and superoxide anions. The protective effects of methanol extract of SM were studied in carbon tetrachloride-reduced biochemical markers of hepatic injury such as glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), serum glutamate oxalaoacetate transaminase (SGOT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), serum bilirubin, cholesterol alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels. The increased level of HDL demonstrated dose dependant reduction in the in vivo peroxidation induced by CCl4. Degree of protection was measured by using biochemical parameters such as serum transaminase (GOT and GPT), alkaline phosphatase (ALKP) and bilirubin. Petroleum ether, Ethyl acetate and chloroform extracts did not show any effects. Results obtained in the present study suggest that Tamarindus indica elicits hepatoprotectivity through antioxidant activity on carbon tetrachloride-and paracetamol-induced hepatic damage in rats.



Tamarindus indica hepatoprotective activity, antioxidant effect, biochemical parameters.


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