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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Year : 2020, Volume : 10, Issue : 2
First page : ( 110) Last page : ( 116)
Print ISSN : 2231-5683. Online ISSN : 2231-5691.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-5691.2020.00021.0

The Review on The Nasal Drug Delivery

Prajapati M., Mandloi R., Pillai S., Birla N.

G.R.Y. Institute of Pharmacy, Borawan, Khargone, (M.P.), India

Online published on 3 June, 2020.


Oral drug delivery is most common rout use for the drug administration systemic effect of drug. But as per low bioavailability of some drug compounds has try to more effective routs for systemic effect of drug. Transmucosal rout of drug delivery (i.e. Nasal, rectal, vagina, ocular and oral cavity). Nasal drug delivery is most useful rout for drug delivery. Therapy through intranasal administration has been an accepted from of treatment in the Ayurveda system of Indian Medicine Nasal cavity is well tolerated rout. Large quantity of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa contributes in drug absorption. Respiratory region, vestibular region, olfactory region is part of nasal cavity. The mechanism of NDD (Nasal Drug Delivery) is depending on two mechanisms and two processes first are Carrier mediated process and second are Endocytic processes. NDD is novel platform, promising alternative to injectable route for administration. Over the last few decades, transmucosal nasal drug delivery ad a non-invasive rout has occupied an important place in the field of drug delivery technology. The principles underlying the development of Nasal Formulation are reviewed here. In this review, the benefits, limitation, and absorption mechanisms of the nasal rout, as well as finding from nasal insert-related studies are addressed.



Nasal Drug Delivery, Transmucosal Rout, Novel Drug Delivery, Nasal Absorption, Nasal Preparations.


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