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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Year : 2018, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : ( 220) Last page : ( 226)
Print ISSN : 2231-5667. Online ISSN : 2231-5675.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2231-5675.2018.00040.6

Evaluation of Standardization Parameters of Ayurvedic Marketed Polyherbal Formulation

Patil Suraj J.*, Patil Shivani D., Patil Pratibha B., Patil Pranali S., Vambhurkar Ganesh B., Raut Indryani D.

Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy, Kasegaon, Dist-Sangli, Maharashtra, India-415404

*Corresponding Author E-mail: surajpatil0212@gmail.com

Online published on 25 December, 2018.


Standardization parameter and evaluation of polyherbal formulation is essential in order to assess the quality of drugs for therapeutic value. According to an estimate of World Health Organization (W.H.O) nearly 80% of populations of developing countries rely on traditional and polyherbal medicines. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1999 has given a detail protocol for the standardization of polyherbal drugs standardization study is very less time and very small literature is available in world for the study of standardization parameter of poly-herbal formulation. In our research and review work we have developed a simple scheme for standardization and authentification of various different marketed formulation of sitopaladi Churna. We take three marketed preparations and one own prepare in-house these prepared formulation were used for the study. Performed the various parameters including Organoleptic, Characteristics, physicochemical, phytochemical, physical evaluation, analytical, microscopical we was carried out for Standardization of all the formulations. The set parameters were found to be sufficient to standardize and evaluation of the Sitopaladi Churna and can be used as reference standards for the quality control/quality assurance study mostly on polyherbal and plant drugs for their primary health care need for patient care in all entire world.



Shitopala Churn, Standardization, Ayurvedic formulation.


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