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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 4
First page : ( 542) Last page : ( 544)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149. Online ISSN : 2349-2996.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-2996.2019.00116.2

A Study to assess the effectiveness of Honey Warm Water on level of Constipation among patients undergone CABG with Constipation in selected Hospitals at Rajkot

Ms. Maru Pooja1,*, Mr. Suneesh P. M.2, Mr. Doss K. Jeenath Justin3

1Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Opp. Ghanteshwar Park, B/h Sainik Society, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot-360006

2Guide, Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Opp. Ghanteshwar Park, B/h Sainik Society, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot-360006

3Principal, Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, opp. Ghanteshwar Park, B/h Sainik Society, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot, 360006

*Corresponding Author Email: marup473@gmail.com

Online published on 31 December, 2019.


A study to assess the effectiveness of honey warm water on level of constipation among patients undergone cabg with constipation in selected hospitals at Rajkot. The objectives of the study were a) To assess the level of constipation among patients undergone CABG. b) To assess the effectiveness of honey warm water on level of constipation among patients undergone CABG. c)To find out the association between level of constipation and after taking honey warm water with their selected demographic variables. The research approach selected for the study was quantitative research approach and Quasi-experimental study Time-series research design. The study was conducted at selected hospital at Rajkot. The conceptual framework for this study was based on Weidnbach nursing practice model. The study had been conducted in Unicare Hospital, Rajkot. Non-probability purposive sampling technique had been adopted to select the desired samples. The sample size was 40. As a part of intervention, honey warm water was administered for 10 ml of honey will take mixed with 100 ml of warm water. At the early morning when the patients having empty stomach this mixture of honey warm water was provided to the post CABG surgery patients for three days, to get the best result. The data was collected through Constipation Assessment Scale. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics ('Annova-test ’and chi-square) to test the hypothesis. The study shows that the calculated chi square value is below the level of tabulated value at the level of 0.05. Thus stated the hypothesis is rejected & null hypothesis was accepted. So its inferred that there is no significant association between the demographic variables and level of constipation among post-operative CABG patients. The obtained ‘F ’value 26.752 at 0.001 level hence the hypothesis was accepted. It is inferred that honey warm water was effective in reducing level of constipation among post-operative CABG.



Effectiveness, honey warm water, post-operative CABG patients.


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