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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 2
First page : ( 225) Last page : ( 227)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149. Online ISSN : 2349-2996.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-2996.2019.00047.8

A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge regarding the Excessive use of Social Networking and its Effect on Students of Selected Colleges of Mehsana

Dr. Patidar Jayesh V.*

Vice Principal, Joitiba College of Nursing, Bhandu, Dist: Mehsana

*Corresponding Author Email: jay31patidar@gmail.com

Online published on 15 May, 2019.



Social networking has become the most important part of teenage students. Now a days everything is done due to internet facility and due to that social networking has been used more frequently in everyone's life. We stretch to meet the environment around us, the demand of life style and the pressure that we out on ourselves.

Aims and Objective

To assess the level of knowledge regarding use of social networking and its effect on the students. To determine the association between the knowledge score with their demographic variables.


The data were collected from 100 college students were selected using non-probability purposive sampling techniques in selected colleges of Mehsana. Multiple choice questions was used to assess the knowledge and its effect on college students regarding excessive use of social networking.


The findings of the study revealed that Majority (60%) of students had good level of knowledge and 24% students had excellent level of knowledge and 15% of students had average level of knowledge regarding use of social networking and its effect on the students.


Majority of adults had good level of knowledge regarding use of social networking and its effect on the students.



Assess knowledge, social networking and student.


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