Guided Imagery on Bio Physiological Parameters among Patients receiving Chemotherapy Priya T. Angel1,*, Dr. Ganapathy N.2, Dr. Padmavathi P.3 1Principal, The Salvation Army Catherine Booth College of Nursing, Nagercoil 2Chairman, Dhanvantri College of Nursing, Namakkal 3Principal, Dhanvantri College of Nursing, Namakkal *Corresponding Author Email:
Online published on 24 October, 2018. Abstract Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled and unregulated growth of cells. Chemotherapy is used to treat cancer which has many adverse effects that can be reduced by mind-body medicine. One amongst which is Guided Imagery that uses mental imagery to focus and direct the users’ imagination. So the researcher decided to create awareness about guided imagery and make them to practice the same to bring a reduction in their bio-physiological parameters. This study evaluates the effectiveness of guided imagery on selected bio physiological parameters among patients receiving chemotherapy in selected hospitals at Kanyakumari district, Tamilnadu. Evaluative research approach, quasi experimental time series research design was used for this study. It was conducted in Holy Cross Hospital, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District among 20 samples selected by purposive sampling technique. After obtaining permission from the hospital and informed consent from the samples, demographic variables and clinical variables were collected. Pretest was conducted immediately after chemotherapy by using Observation tool which consisted of measurement of heart rate and blood pressure. Guided imagery was administered to them and post test was conducted for all the cycles (1st to 5th cycles). Majority of the samples belongs to the age group of 50–59 years, have an educational status of degree and above, were homemakers, belongs to nuclear family, reside in urban area with more than two children and have no social habits. 50% of them were males and 50% of them were females. All of them had identified their disease through biopsy and were with Cancer stomach with the duration of 12–120 months using adplatin as the chemotherapeutic drug have not undergone surgical treatment and taken ayurvedic treatment too. Half of them were in 2nd and 3rd stages of cancer respectively. 40% of them have not taken antiemetic drugs and 40% of them had taken antiemetic drugs for less than 12 months. It was also found that there was a move of samples from abnormal to normal heart rate and blood pressure after guided imagery. The pre test to final post test improvement of heart rate was statistically very highly significant (P<0.001). The pretest mean systolic blood pressure was 139.0±8.8mm/Hg. The pretest mean systolic blood pressure was 139.0±8.8mm/Hg. The post-5 tests mean systolic blood pressure was 123.0±4.8mm/Hg. The improvement of systolic blood pressure was statistically very highly significant (P<0.001). The pre test means diastolic blood pressure was 91.0±5.7mm/Hg. The post-5 tests mean diastolic blood pressure was 77.0±8.2mm/Hg. The improvement of diastolic blood pressure was statistically highly significant (P<0.01). Thus it was proved that guided imagery can effectively reduce the bio-physiological parameters that rise due to chemotherapy. Top Keywords Cancer, chemotherapy, bio-physiological parameters, guided imagery. Top |