A Descriptive Study to Evaluate the level of Knowledge regarding Biomedical Waste Management among Nurses in Christian Mission Hospitals at Madurai Francis L.* Assistant Professor, Anand Institute of Nursing Opp. Ghanteshwar Park, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot-360006 *Corresponding Author Email: france618@gmail.com
Online published on 24 October, 2018. Abstract Good health depends in part on a safe environment. Practices or techniques that control or prevent transmission of infection help to protect clients and health care workers from disease. Clients in all health care settings are at risk for acquiring infections. The review was done. The conceptual framework was based on Nola J. Pender (2002) Health Promotion model. Research design was non experimental descriptive design. Convenience sampling technique was used to select the samples and 30 were selected. The data was collected based on the structured knowledge questionnaire on biomedical waste management. Analysis of the data was done by employing descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that, among 30 nurses 23(77%) had adequate knowledge, 7(23%) had moderate adequate knowledge and none of them had inadequate knowledge and there is no significant association between their demographic variable and level of knowledge regarding biomedical waste management at p-value <0.05%. Hence the research hypothesis (H1) is not accepted. Top Keywords Knowledge, Nursing personnel, bio-medical waste management. Top | |
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