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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2018, Volume : 8, Issue : 2
First page : ( 247) Last page : ( 267)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149. Online ISSN : 2349-2996.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-2996.2018.00050.2

To assess the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on knowledge regarding life style modification among Myocardial Infarction patients admitted in selected hospitals in Vidarbha Region

Mrs. Paswan Vaishali*

Assistant Professor, Medical Surgical Nursing, Kasturba Nursing College, Kasturba Health Society, Sevagram, Wardha, Maharashtra

*Corresponding Author Email: vaishali.vbhushan12@gmail.com

Online published on 7 July, 2018.


To assess the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on knowledge regarding life style modification among myocardial infarction patients admitted in selected hospitals in Vidarbha region. The objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge regarding life style modification among myocardial infarction patients, to evaluate the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on knowledge regarding life style modification among myocardial infarction patients, to associate post-test knowledge regarding life style modification among myocardial infarction patients with selected demographic variables. This study was based on interventional research approach. The population was myocardial infarction patients. The subjects consisted of 60 myocardial infarction patients in selected hospitals of Vidarbha region. The inclusion criteria were: Patients who are: (A) Willing to participate in the study, (B) Available during data collection, (C) Able to read and understand Hindi & Marathi. The exclusion criteria were: (A) Patients who have attended the similar programme, (B) Patients who were medical persons like, doctor, nurse.. The tool was self-structured knowledge questionnaire. The technique adopted was self-reporting. The content validity of the tool was done by 12experts. The reliability of the questionnaire was done by Spearman Brown Coefficient method. The pilot study was conducted in Wardha from 14th Aug. to 20th Aug. 2012 as per laid down criteria 6 subjects were selected from Pawde Nursing Home, Wardha for pilot study from non-probability convenient sampling technique. The data gathering process began from 17th Sept. to 13th Oct 2012. The investigator visited the selected hospitals of Vidarbha region in advance and obtained the necessary permission from the concerned authorities. Based on the objectives and the hypothesis the data were analyzed by using various statistical tests i.e. percentage, mean, and standard deviation, student’ t’ test, One way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The level of significance set for testing the hypothesis was at 0.05. Majority of the subjects: 38.4% were from age group of 35–45 years, 53.3% were male.41.7% of the subject were secondary and graduates, 38.3% of subjects were doing the government job, 53.3% were Hindu. The findings show that in pre test scores, 63.4% of subjects were having average knowledge, 33.3% having poor knowledge and 3.3% subjects having very knowledge. But in post test scores 61.67% of subjects were having good knowledge, 38.33% having excellent knowledge. The findings show that the tabulated ‘t’ value for n-1, i.e.59 degrees of freedom was 2.00. The calculated values were 27.69 respectively for knowledge regarding adverse effects of antipsychotic drugs. The calculated ‘t’ values were much higher than the tabulated values at 5% level of significance which is statistically acceptable level of significance. Hence it is strongly interpreted that the self-instructional module regarding life style modification was effective. Thus, the H1 is accepted. There was no significant association between age, gender, education, occupation and religion. The self-instructional module significantly brought out their improvement in the knowledge regarding life style modification among myocardial infarction patients admitted in selected hospital in Vidarbha region. Analysis of data showed that there was significant difference between pretest and posttest knowledge



Effectiveness, self instructional module, Knowledge, myocardical infarction.


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