An Exploratory Study to Identify the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Vasectomy among the Couples of Selected Area Ms. Bagwe Amruta M.* M. Sc. Nursing (Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing) Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri, Pune *Corresponding Author Email: b_amruta@ymail.com
Online published on 7 July, 2018. Abstract A study was conducted to identifying the knowledge and attitude regarding vasectomy among the couples of Selected Area of pimri pune. The objectives of the study is to identify the knowledge, attitude regarding vasectomy among the couples and to find out correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding vasectomy with selected demographic variables. The framework of the study is based on health belief model and it is divided into individual perception, modifying factor and likelihood of action in a specific content, including evaluation of all phases. The approach of the study was exploratory and non-experimental survey research design was chosen as a research design, total 200 samples were selected by Non probability Convenience sampling. A structured questionnaire and attitude scale was prepared to identify the knowledge and attitude regarding vasectomy. The finding on correlation between the knowledge with the selected demographic variables of samples shows that, there are significant association between knowledge and the education, occupation and religion. The finding was there is correlations between the attitudes with the selected demographic variables are significant association between attitude with gender and religion. Top Keywords Identify Knowledge, Attitude, Vasectomy, Couples. Top | |
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