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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 2
First page : ( 171) Last page : ( 182)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149. Online ISSN : 2349-2996.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-2996.2016.00032.X

Study on Complications of Diabetes Mellitus among the Diabetic Patients

Mr. Panari Hazaratali1,*, Mrs. Vegunarani M.2

1Dr. J. J. Magdum Institute of Nursing, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur, Maharashtra

2Professor, Tulza Bhavani College of Nursing, Bijapur, Karnataka

*Corresponding Author Email: hazaratalipanari@yahoo.in

Online published on 15 October, 2016.


Diabetes is characterized by a disorder in metabolism of carbohydrate and subsequent derangement of fat and protein metabolism. Disturbance in production and action of insulin, a hormone secreted by the islets of langerhans in the pancreas is implicated in the disease. In addition to insulin, aging, over weight and several other hormones affect blood glucose level there-by preventing glucose from entering the cells. This leads to hyperglycemia, which may result in acute and chronic complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, kidney and eye diseases, disorders of the nerves and others. Both forms of diabetes ultimately lead to hyperglycemia. Over long period of time, hyperglycemia damages the retina of the eye, the kidney, the nerves, and the blood vessels. Damage to the retina from diabetes will be a leading cause of blindness. Damage to the kidney from diabetes is leading cause of kidney failure. Damage to the nerves from diabetes is leading cause of foot and leg amputation. Damage to the nerves in the autonomic nervous system can lead to paralysis.

A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude on complications of diabetes mellitus among the diabetic patients at selected hospitals of Bijapur, Karnataka.


The descriptive survey approach was used to assess the knowledge and attitude among the diabetic patients at selected hospitals of Bijapur District. The purposive sampling technique was used to collect data for the study. The sample consists of 60 diabetic patients at selected hospitals of Bijapur District, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study. The data collection tool used for the study was structured interview schedule. The obtained data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.


Majority of the respondents 43.3% were in the age group of 40–49 years & 50–59 years, 61% males, 31.6% were primary educated, 66.66% were hindu, 93.3% were married, 73.3% from urban area, 56.6% respondents duration of illness 1–3 year, 43.3% frequency of health checkup twice a year, 53.3% have family history of diabetes mellitus, 50% respondents source of health information was family and relatives.

Interpretation and Conclusion

The present study revealed that the maximum numbers of subjects 56.66% moderately adequate knowledge 25% were having adequate knowledge, and 18.33% were having inadequate knowledge. 51.66% were having favourable attitude, 26.66% were having most favourable attitude and 21.66% were having unfavourable attitude. The association between knowledge and attitude with selected socio demographic variables by using chi-square test revealed that there was no significant association at p < 0.05 level of significance.



Knowledge, attitude, complications, diabetes mellitus.


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