Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme Regarding Attitude And Knowledge of Selected Aspects of Prenatal Care Among Primigravida Mothers Attending Antenatal OPD Ms Mahindrakar Smeeta D* Lecturer, K.L.E. University's Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka *Corresponding Author Email: smeetamahindrakar@gmail.com
Online published on 8 December, 2015. Abstract Birth is a miracle and each baby is life's perfect creation. Pregnancy is often a time of hope for the future. Process of pregnancy and child birth are very much a personal journey. Each woman experiences the beauty of creating and giving birth to a child. Weight gain in pregnancy is not the same thing as “getting fat”. Gaining weight is a positive and healthy sign that is giving to the baby what it needs to develop. There is no need to put on any weight in the first trimester, but in order to have a healthy baby it is necessary to gain the normal pregnancy weight a total of 11–12 Kilogram over the course of 9 months. The study was undertaken for the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding attitude and knowledge of selected aspects of prenatal care among Primigravida Mothers attending Antenatal OPD in K.L.E.’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC, Belgaum.” Objectives Of The Study To assess the level of attitude and knowledge of Primigravida Mothers towards gestational weight and diet management. To find out the association between pretest knowledge scores and selected demographic variables. To assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on gestational weight and diet management.
Methods The Conceptual Framework used in the present study based on Modified Pender's Health Behavior Model. The study involves descriptive survey approach and the design was descriptive cross sectional study design. The study was conducted on 40 primigravida mothers using Structured Knowledge and Attitude Questionnaires at K.L.E. S Dr. Prabhakar Kore charitable hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka Results The major findings of the study were. The majority of subjects 27 (67.5%) were in the age group of 21-25yrs. Majority of subject, 27(67.5%) were Hindus. Majority of subjects, 19(47.5%) were secondary education. Majority of subjects, 28(70%) were House wife. Majority of subjects, 21(52.5%) were within the range of 1001–3000 monthly income of family. Majority of subjects, 17(42.3%) were mixed dietary pattern. Majority of subjects, 22(55%) were in <40 kg of gestational weight. Majority of subjects, 23 (57.5%) were in 4–8 weeks of gestation. Majority of subjects, 23(57.5%) were lives in joint family. Majority of subjects, 16(40%) were lives in semi urban and urban. Majority of subject, 36(90%) got information through mass media and television. It was found that majority of Primigravida mothers 25(62.5%) had average knowledge and the remaining 09(22.5%) and 06(15%) had good and poor knowledge score respectively regarding selected aspects of prenatal care. Majority of antenatal mothers had 24 (60%) were neutral a towards the importance of gestational weight management in pretest and 33 (82.5) were strongly agree towards the importance of weight management after the implementation of teaching programme. The present study reveals that the calculated chi-square value for age is less than table value and hence age is Non significant. Thus it can be inferred that there is significant association between knowledge level of the Primigravida mothers and selected variables such as Religion, Education, Occupation, Family Income, Dietary Pattern, and Residence. Therefore the hypothesis accepted. The present study reveals that calculated paired “t” value 23.15 is greater than tabulated “t” value 1.96. This indicates that the gain in knowledge score is statistically significant at P< 0.05.it evidenced that developed STP was effective in improving the knowledge of Primigravida mothers regarding gestational weight and diet management
Conclusion The study concluded that nurse educator should periodically organize health education for Primigravida mothers about gestational weight and diet management, as there is an abundant opportunities for nursing professionals to educate mothers on gestational weight and diet management. The present study would help to nursing students to understand the importance & provide need based care to the mother regarding gestational weight and diet management. Top Keywords Structured teaching program, Attitude, Knowledge, Prenatal care. Top |