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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year 2013, Volume-3, Issue-1 (January–March)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149

Table of contents

Research Articles

A Study to assess the knowledge Regarding Diabetic foot Ulcer among Diabetic Clients in a selected Hospital, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu
P. Tamilselvi, Dr. Rajasankar, Dr. N. Kokilavani

A Study to assess the knowledge on Nephrotic Syndrome among mothers of children admitted with Nephrotic Syndrome in Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore.
Ms. K.N. Saraswathi, Ms. R. Kavya, Mrs. J. Lissa, Ms. S.L. Anitha

Identify the prevalence of malnutrition among under five children in Karipatti Village, Salem Tamil Nadu
Dr. K. Maheswari

A Correlation study on Perceived Stress and Premenstrual Symptoms among Adolescent girls in Selected School at Pallakkapalayam, Namakkal (Dt).
Ms. P. Padmavathi, Dr. Raja Sankar, Dr. N. Kokilavani


Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT): Child Well-being through an effective Parenting Intervention
Deepa K. Damodaran

Research Article

A study to evaluate the Quality of life in Head and Neck Cancer Patients admitted in Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni (Bk).
Mr. Ravi Barot, Mr. T. Sivabalan


Non-Experimental Research Designs: Amenable to Nursing Contexts
Dr. G. Radhakrishnan

Psychosocial problems of wives of alcoholics
Ms. K. R. Ramya, Sr. Lisa Paul

Research Articles

A study to assess the knowledge regarding consanguineous marriages and its genetic effects among young adults with a view to develop a informational guide sheet at selected degree colleges in Tumkur
Ms. Soujanya J. Pujar

Effectiveness of Pranayama's on Respiratory Health Status among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients Admitted in Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni (Bk)
Mr. Patel Mihir Kumar Maheshbhai, Mr. T. Sivabalan, Dr. Neesha Kiran Shinde

Effect of nursing implemented sedation and pain protocol on the level of sedation, pain and amount of sedative and analgesic drugs use among opium addicted critically ill patients
Hossein Rafiei, Mehdi Ahmadinejad, Masoud Amiri, Mohammad Esmaeili Abdar

A Quasi Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on Anxiety and Depression among Hospitalised Cancer Patients receiving Radiotherapy
Pragya Pathak, Rajender Mahal, Adarsh Kohli, Vinod Nimbran


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