Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding the expressed breast milk among postnatal working mothers in selected area in Junagadh District Mrs. Tank Nirali*, Ms. Yadav Rajshree, Mr. Jeenath Justin Doss K. Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Opp. Ghanteshwar Park, B/h Sainik Society, Jamnagar Road, Rajkot - 360006 *Corresponding Author Email: niralitank03@gmail.com
Online published on 27 April, 2021. Abstract A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding the expressed breast milk among postnatal working mothers in selected area in Junagadh district. The objectives of the study were (a) To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding expressed breast milk among postnatal working mothers. (b) To assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme by comparing pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding the expressed breast milk among post-natal working mothers. (c) To find out the association between the postnatal working mothers with their selected demographic variables. The research approach selected for the study was quantitative research approach and pre-experimental research-one group pre-test post-test design. The study was conducted at selected area of Junagadh district. Total 40 samples were selected from Junagadh district based on non-probability purposive sampling. The researcher used structured interview schedule and structured questionnaire for data collection regarding demographic variables and pre-test. As a part of intervention structured teaching programme on expressed breast milk was carried out among postnatal working mothers. The post-test score was measured with the same questionnaires after seven days. The collected data were analysed by using inferential statistical method. t-test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of STP on the level of knowledge regarding expressed breast milk among postnatal working mothers. It revealed that the mean score of pre-testswas 10.65 and post-test was 16.58. The mean difference was 5.93. The obtained “t” value 21.12. Hence it was highly significant p<0.001 level. Hence their findings of the study revealed that the structured teaching programme was effective in improving knowledge regarding expressed breast milk among postnatal working mothers. Top Keywords Assess, Effectiveness, STP, Knowledge, Working mother. Top | |
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