A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on the knowledge regarding prevention of malnutrition among the mothers of under five children in selected urban area at Visnagar Ms. Patel Nisha* Nursing Tutor, Nootan College of Nursing, Visnagar, Dist: Mehsana *Corresponding Author Email: nishapatel3348@gmail.com
Online published on 27 April, 2021. Abstract Objective 1. To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding prevention of malnutrition among mother of under five children in the selected urban area at visnagar. 2. To find out the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on prevention of malnutrition among mothers of under five children in the selected urban area of visnagar. 3. To plan making and implant planned teaching programme regarding malnutrition among mothers of under five children in the selected area of visnagar. Methods Quantitative approach was used with one group pre-test and post-test design. The investigator used simple random sampling technique for selecting the 40 samples. A planned knowledge questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of the sample. The data obtain were analysed and interpreted in the light of objectives and hypotheses using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Sample characteristics revealed that the entire samples were female. Majorities were with primary education and some of them are illiterate and graduate also. The significant findings of the study were the subjects gained significantly higher knowledge regarding prevention of malnutrition. Result The result of the study show that majority of children (52.5%) were in age group of 2-3 years majority of subject (65%) were in age group of 20-3-year, most of them have (50%) of income per month was below 5000 a maximum (40%) mother have processed primary education, maximum mother have (55%) have one child, and they belong to (82.5) were hindu religion. A majority of participants (57.5%) belong to nuclear family and majority of mother (43.54%) have continue breast feeding 6 month to 1 year. The knowledge pre-test, post-test mean score difference was 5.06 their was significant increase in post test score on knowledge on knowledge of mother regarding prevention of malnutrition in under five children after a planned in under five children after a planned teaching programme. Post test score revealed that out of 40 has 10 mother has good knowledge, 30 mother has excellent knowledge. The finding of the study revealed that educating mothers would be effective in updating them in preventing malnutrition in children. Top Keywords Malnutrition, Questionnaire, Descriptive and inferential statistics. Top |