Literature survey on the relationship between learning styles and academic achievement Dr.Md. Islam Nijairul Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education, Gazole Mahavidyalaya, Gazole, Gour Banga University, Malda, West Bengal, India Email id: nijairulislam@gmail.com Online published on 10 May, 2019. Abstract The level of academic achievement of a child at any stage of education depends on the extent to which its natural potentialities are cultivated and developed. Individual differences are reflected in academic progress of students even though all students may be exposed to similar educational environment and facilities in schools. Every student may vary with respect to his/her academic achievement by showing different levels of competence. Such variations may be attributed to a host of factors-innate as well as environmental. Recently cognitive psychologists held that cognition related factors of learners play pivotal role behind their academic achievement. Among the learner-related variables of academic achievement, learning styles is thought to be an important one. The moot point of learning styles theory is the recognition that students learn in diverse ways. Therefore, taking into consideration the different style preferences students have, is of top-most importance in teaching-learning process. Now-a-days, researchers have been taking up studies to identify the profile of learning styles of learners belonging to various educational grades so that it could be nourished in order to optimize their academic achievement. Researchers are also spending much effort to find out whether there exists any relationship between any particular type of learning style of the learners and their level of academic achievement in any particular subject. This paper tries to survey literature on the relationship between learning styles and academic achievement of the learners. Top Keywords Literature Survey, Academic Achievement, Learning Styles, GPA, Research Study. Top | |
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