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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2019, Volume : 8, Issue : 12
First page : ( 66) Last page : ( 76)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2278-4853.2019.00323.9

Development and impementation of the psychophysiological well-being assessment tool based on roy's adaptation model for breast cancer patients: A pilot study

Mrs. Seema1, Dr. Randhawa Rajwnt Kaur2

1Ph. D Nursing Scholar, Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh. Tutor, Govt. College of Nursing, Rajindra Hospital Patiala, Punjab, India, Email id: seema70arora@gmail.com

2Director and Principal, Desh Bhagat Institute of nursing, Gobindgarh, Punjab, India, Email id: rajwantrandhawa171@gmail.com


Breast cancer is a chronic illness affecting a vast number of females globally. During the illness and after mastectomy they have disturbed physiological and psychological wellbeing. No tool based on RAM (Roy's Adaptation Model) was there to assess their physiological and psychological wellbeing. The purpose of the present study was to develop the valid and reliable Psycho physiological Well-being Assessment Tool (PWAT) based on Roy's Adaptation Model and implement the tool on post mastectomy breast cancer patients who were under radiation therapy or chemotherapy or both to assess their Psycho physiological Well-being. Methodology: A Methodological research design was adopted to conduct the study. Item analysis and Modified Delphi survey were done to develop PWAT. It was implemented on 20 post mastectomy breast cancer patients who were selected by convenient sampling technique in Amer Hospital Patiala. Results: Common consensus of experts was obtained from 72 pooled items to 38 items of PWAT. The reliability of instrument was estimated by using split half Chronbachs alpha which was r=0.73. Statistically all the items of PWAT were found inter correlated and were compatible to each other. The mean value of physiological wellbeing was 60.45 with stand red deviation of 6.637 and median value 61.5as compared to Psychological wellbeing mean value 80.60 with standard deviation 15.689 and median value 80.5 which revealed that post mastectomy breast cancer patients were having better psychological wellbeing rather than physiological wellbeing Conclusion: The empowered nurses with PWAT will do quick assessment of psycho physiological wellbeing of post mastectomy breast cancer patients. Their timely intervention will help in decreasing re-hospitalizations of patients and help in cost containment for the health care industry which is the essence of quality care management.



Breast Cancer, Psycho Physiological Wellbeing, Roy's Adaptation Model, Psycho Physiological Wellbeing Assessment Tool, Quality Care.


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