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Asian Journal of Management
Year : 2018, Volume : 9, Issue : 1
First page : ( 692) Last page : ( 696)
Print ISSN : 0976-495X. Online ISSN : 2321-5763.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5763.2018.00107.5

An Analytical Study of Logistics Process at Logistics Park India Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur

Dr. Joshi Vijay*

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research (DAIMSR), Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur

*Corresponding Author E-mail: vijayjoshi62@gmail.com

Online published on 2 June, 2018.


According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (previously the Council of Logistics Management) logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling procedures for the efficient and effective transportation and storage of goods including services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements and includes inbound, outbound, internal and external movements. Logistics has been described as ‘planning, implementing and controlling the process of physical flows of materials and final products from the point of origin to the point of use in order to meet customer's needs at a profit. Logistics is the planning activity as well as the implementation of efficient and effective storage of raw materials, work in process inventory, finished goods and services. It also refers to the flow and transportation of product from the warehouse to the consumer. The main idea behind the project is to study the logistics management part of the SCM, with special reference to Logistics Park India Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur (Perfetti Van Melle India Pvt. Ltd.). The research work will give an insight on how the movement of goods takes place. This research work will cover the overall logistics process (Physical + Documentation), which is followed in the organization. The research work will follow the descriptive research design. Data collection will involve both primary and secondary data. Primary data will be collected through interview, Telephonic Survey and questionnaire. The questionnaire so designed for this purpose was structured. The secondary data will be collected through the company's annual publications, journals, websites and remarks given in visit book.



Logistics, Logistics Park India Pvt Ltd, Customers, Inventory, Movement.


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