To Study the Impact Assessment of Demographic Variables (Gender) on Investors Decision Making in Stock Market. Ahmed Kafeel* Assistant Professor., School of Management Studies, BGSB University *Corresponding Author E-mail: kafeel123786@rediffmail.com
Online published on 2 June, 2018. Abstract Investors are investing in stock market as number of investment avenues are available for them with different risk and return characteristics’. Investors prefer different securities with different risk return characteristics based on their requirement so they their overall portfolio reflect their preferences. Investors across gender see or perceive market and market forces in unique way. The present study has been conducted in order to find out whether investors across different income level have unique investment decision making or education have no effect on investor decision making. Moreover it will be found out weather Investors within different gender groups have significant difference in their attitude and preference for different investment avenues or not. Moreover, different investors have different investment motives for investing in volatile market. Some wish to get higher returns, some invest because of liquidity, some for tax purpose etc. Top Keywords Gender, demographic variable, investors decision making, preferences for investment avenues, etc. Top | |
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