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Asian Journal of Management
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 407) Last page : ( 412)
Print ISSN : 0976-495X. Online ISSN : 2321-5763.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5763.2017.00065.8

Organizational culture analysis: A study of selected government and private universities of Haryana

Dr. Arora Simmi1,*, Ms. Singh Apoorva2

1Assistant Professor, University School of Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra – 136119

2Research Scholar, University School of Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra – 136119

*Corresponding Author E-mail: singhapoorva26667@gmail.com

Online published on 22 September, 2017.


Organizational culture plays a prominent role in institution building. A shared and strong culture gains loyalty and trust from employees. On the contrary, a weak culture lowers the morale of employees and hinders the firm performance. The study is an attempt to investigate dominant culture in government governed and private owned universities of Haryana identifying preferred culture by employees. A comparative analysis is also conducted to compare the cultures of government and private owned universities. For the same competing values framework has been employed that identifies dominant culture type in universities out of: Clan, Adhocracy, Market and Hierarchy culture types. For analysing the data standard scoring of the administered instrument and Z-test have been applied. The study reports the prevalence of hierarchy culture in government universities while clan culture dominates in private universities. The results indicate that government owned universities are structured and bureaucratic organizations with a set of established rules and procedures having a stable leadership focussing more on efficiency whereas private universities came out to be friendly places to work with focus on human development and gaining trust of employees through mentoring and participation. Study also reveals that there exists a significant difference between prevailing and preferred culture in both type of organizations.



Organizational Culture: Competing Values Framework, Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy.


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