Linking Consumer Trust, Repatronization and Advocacy with Intervention of Perceived Service Recovery and Zone-of-Tolerance Dr. Baksi Arup Kumar* Associate Professor, Dept. of Management and Business Administration, Aliah University, Kolkata, West Bengal *Corresponding Author E-mail: baksi.arup@gmail.com
Online published on 17 July, 2017. Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effects of perceived service recovery process and zone-of-tolerance on consumer trust and its subsequent impact on consumer advocacy and initiation of repatronization. The study was carried out in the banking sector in India with State Bank of India (SBI); the largest nationalized bank was taken as a case. Results indicated that moderate to high perceived service recovery, initiated by SBI in response to perceived first-time service failures, is associated with elevated level of consumer satisfaction at the post service-failure phase, positive customer advocacy and intent to repatronize. Zone-oftolerance was also found to have mediating effects on the relationship between perceived service recovery, customer trust and repatronization. Top Keywords Customer trust, advocacy, repatronization, service, recovery, bank, relationship. Top | |
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