The Study of Determinants of Reference Group Appeal for Understanding The Consumer Buying Behavior Dr. Katiyal Deepa* Associate Professor, Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore (M.P.) *Corresponding Author E-mail: deepakatiyal@yahoo.com
Online published on 17 July, 2017. Abstract The determinants of Reference Group Appeal in the present era, has become important for the marketers to reach consumers and to persuade them to buy their products. The present study tries to investigate the relationship between consumer buying behavior towards determinants of reference Group Appeal and their purchase intention with reference to different demographical dimensions. Five Determinants (brand appeal, celebrity appeal, expert opinion, executive appeal and high rating by consumers) were taken for the research. A descriptive study of the sample of 111 respondents from Indore city was done. A self-structured questionnaire was used to collect the relevant data from different consumers. Hypotheses formulated were tested by applying chi square test. The finding shows that marketers have to consider the determinants of Reference group Appeal for successful promotional schemes and Marketing mix. Top Keywords Reference group appeal, consumers, determinants, brand appeal, celebrity appeal, expert opinion, executive appeal and high rating by consumers. Top | |
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