Motivating Employees using Equitable Pay Systems in Ghana: The Single Spine Salary Structure in Perspective Asante Job*, Yahaya Wahabu, Yabowaah Franklina Adjoa University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana *Corresponding Author E-mail: jobasante72@yahoo.com
Online published on 10 August, 2020. Abstract Ensuring Public sector pay policy is one of the main problems facing governments, as it determines the ability to attract, retain, and motivate staff needed to fulfill its service delivery objectives. Government's inability to meet the demands of workers has been blamed for the continued decline in productivity. This study attempts to examine successes and challenges of the Single Spine Pay Policy of Ghana. A sample size of one hundred and sixty (160) was chosen from civil and public servants in Tamale Metropolis using simple random sampling technique. Data was analyzed using the Regression tool, which is a multivariate statistical methodology used to investigate relationships and predict outcomes. The study found out that 70% of the civil and public servants were not satisfied with the policy. It is recommended that seminars and workshops should be organized to enlighten civil and public servants on the concept of single spine salary structure. Top Keywords Public sector, Pay systems, Motivation, Productivity, Equity. Top | | |
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