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Asian Journal of Management
Year : 2020, Volume : 11, Issue : 3
First page : ( 279) Last page : ( 284)
Print ISSN : 0976-495X. Online ISSN : 2321-5763.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00043.8

Importance of International Accreditation for Institutions and the Role of Private Certification Bodies

Banerjee Swapan1*, Samaddar Bhaswati2

1Faculty of Nutrition, Vivekananda Mission Seva Pratisthan, Ariadaha-700056, West Bengal, India

2P.G in Dietetics and Food Service Management, IGNOU, Behala-700060, West Bengal, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: sbanerjee90@gmail.com

Online published on 10 August, 2020.


Accreditation is a value-added certification that can be achieved by any standard organization through the rigorous and critical auditing process by confirming the conformity. In the broader term, accreditation is a process of attaining a quality-meeting certificate from the internationally registered accreditation bodies after going through proper evaluation of quality standards implemented by all the departments or management in a particular organization. The skilled and experienced auditors perform the entire procedures. Based on their reports, certification is approved in favor of institute or organization. We have tried to review the accreditation process based on total quality standards comprising major parameters like education, infrastructure, safety cum security, the role of various departments, and senior management. The review study also has drawn an overview of the importance of accreditations by the private accreditation bodies because of prompt response after application, followed by a quick and straightforward auditing process. Most importantly, the accreditation certificate provides international recognition and an acknowledgment of quality standards. There are very few international certification bodies that work in SAARC countries, including India. We recommend institutes/organizations that should add an accreditation certificate to ensure all the students and parents about quality teaching and quality management at the global level for better career development at international standards. Similarly, in developing countries, private international accreditation bodies must come up with integrity and proper internal standards to evaluate the organization's quality standards to make students globally competent.



International accreditation, Global quality, Educational quality, Private accreditation, Auditing process, TQM, Institutional accreditation.


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