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Asian Journal of Management
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 4
First page : ( 363) Last page : ( 367)
Print ISSN : 0976-495X. Online ISSN : 2321-5763.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5763.2019.00055.6

Reduction of inventory waiting time in machine component manufacturing unit by using lean tools

Sankaranarayanan B.1,*, Kumar S. Vijaya2

1Student, Department of Management and Commerce, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Banglore, India

2Asst. Professor., Department of Management and Commerce, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Banglore, India

*Corresponding Author E-mail: Prabhusankaroo8@gmail.com

Online published on 3 February, 2020.


In current competitive world, manufacturing industries are gaining an advantage by constant elimination of Non-Value-Added activities in their process in order to increase productivity, reducing inventory waiting time, operating cost and lead time to meet a customer demand and satisfaction. Industries with higher inventory waiting time leads to lead time of a product. Work aimed for the individual project is Reducing an inventory waiting time of Tool Magazine Bracket for 10% by using lean tools.

In this study inventory waiting time of Tool Magazine Bracket (Product) was reduce by focusing on VMC machine. For reducing inventory waiting time, current process and it's timing are measured to identify a problem using lean tools. These problem would be neglected or reduced in order to decrease total inventory waiting time. For resolving this project various tools, methods and methodology are used like Gemba visit, Value Stream Mapping, Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) and Standard Operating Procedure.

By drawing a current value stream mapping, the current job is measured and identified a processing time and inventory waiting time. SMED technique was used here to reduce a changeover time of VMC machine from 342Sec to 197Sec, by this inventory waiting time is reduced to 11.12%. With the reduction of inventory waiting time, lead time is also reduced by 4.08%.



Value Stream Mapping, Cycle time, Lead time, Single Minute Exchange of Die.


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