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Asian Journal of Management
Year : 2019, Volume : 10, Issue : 1
First page : ( 29) Last page : ( 32)
Print ISSN : 0976-495X. Online ISSN : 2321-5763.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2321-5763.2019.00006.4

Work-life Balance among female Nursing employees in Academy of Medical science with special reference to North Kerala

Prasad K.I. Siva1,*, Dr. Raveendran P. T.2

1Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Thalassery Campus, Kannur University, Palayad, Kerala, 670661

2Professor, Department of Management Studies, Thalassery Campus, Kannur University, Palayad, Kerala, 670661

*Corresponding Author E-mail: ki.shiva.prasad@gmail.com

Online published on 3 July, 2019.


Healthcare industry is the fastest growing business sector contributing to the staggering economic growth in India. It is worth to study about problems of the nursing employee in the healthcare industry because works overload/overtime issues; poor salary for workers, shift work especially night work make stress among nursing employees both at personal and career wise as well. Working women are too much busy with their work and family commitments. Majority of working women are swamped down while trying to balance their work and family life. The aim of this study is to find out how stress makes influences in their work-family commitments and to what extent it will create ill effects on the current work-life balance of women employees working in the Healthcare industry. Analysis has done with the help of tools like Frequency statistics, ANOVAs and Correlation. Through this article, an attempt has been made to bring out the issues connected to the work-life balance of female nurses working at Academy of Medical science, Pariyaram. Findings revealed that work-life balance among women nursing employees are satisfactory but seldom the management paying attention to frame and formalize the work-life management policies at the hospital.



Work-life balance, Healthcare industry, Female Nurses, Work Stress, Family Stress, Work overload.


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