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Asian Journal of Development Matters
Year : 2014, Volume : 8, Issue : 1
First page : ( 136) Last page : ( 143)
Print ISSN : 0973-9629. Online ISSN : 0976-4674.

Persian gulfs name in historical sources

Kia Tomaj Arian1, Dr. Rani Midatala2, Dr. Khosravi Mohammad Ali3

1PhD Student, DOS in Political Science, University of Mysore 570 005

2DOS in Political Science, University of Mysore-570 005

3DOS in Political Science, Central Open University of Tehran

Online published on 30 August, 2014.


My objective for doing this study is to investigate the name of this sea (Persian Gulf) historically and to prove the correctness and originality of the name of Persian Gulf in the course of history.

The Persian Gulf, from the beginning of human history till now, was controlled by Iran either on its northern or southern borders and Iran has always had rule over this sea. All historical resources, either those of Greek origins from more than 2500 years ago or Roman and Islamic ones, have admitted the name of Persian Gulf as the true name of it. In different encyclopedias and atlas of the 20th century, it is only the name of Persian Gulf which is used for this sea. But after Arabs’ defeat from Israel in the year 1967 and Iran's non cooperation with Arabs in boycotting the sale of oil to Israel, Naser (the then president of Egypt) and leaders of other Arab countries changed the name of Persian Gulf in their official correspondences among themselves in order to take their revenge upon Iran. Changing the name of Persians Gulf has been posed since that time. But, the name of Persian Gulf has always been frequently used in the official reports and records of different countries such as Iran, Middle eastern countries, Europe, America and other countries and even at the same time, the same name is used by them. It is enough proof to show that Arabs’ attempt to change the name of Persian Gulf is baseless.

In this article, it is proven that the name of this sea has been Persian Gulf in different historical records from the being of time. The attempt by some Arabic countries to change the name of Persian Gulf is futile and without any historical evidence. United Nation and the important geographic institutes have recorded and used the name of this sea as the Persian Gulf which is the original name of this sea.


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