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Asian Journal of Development Matters
Year : 2013, Volume : 7, Issue : 2
First page : ( 263) Last page : ( 276)
Print ISSN : 0973-9629. Online ISSN : 0976-4674.

The prominent role of collocation in achieving second language proficiency

Shahryari Negin1, Motaherinik Seyedmohammad Ali1, Dr. Mallika N.2

1P.h.D Scholars, Department of studies in Linguistics (K.I.K.S), University of Mysore, India

2Asst professor, Department of English, JSS College for Women, SS Puram

Online published on 20 February, 2014.


The subject of collocation has become a widespread matter among linguists and also lexicographers. Linguistically researchers’ concord that collocation is a fascinating part due to words is eager to attract each other as well as in each language the vocabulary includes single or multiword's statements. One of the difficulties that students may confront in learning English as a second or foreign language is the disability of using the correct form of word combinations. The problem of matching word which is called “collocability” in linguistics is the matter that is usually troublesome for non-native speakers of English. In simple terms a collocation can be defined as a pair or group of words that are often used together. The purpose of this study is to indicate teaching collocations strategies as well as how non-native speakers can overcome their problem in acquiring collocations in second language. In other words how teacher can teach collocations to non-native speakers. It is worth mentioning that teaching and acquiring collocations play significant role in learning second language.


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