Health as a fundamental right of the children: A critical analysis Raju Arpuda1, Research Scholar 1Department of Studies in Political Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru, Karnataka, India Abstract Health is vitally important for every human being in the world. Health is our most important commodity. A person in bad health cannot really live life to the fullest. Health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being and does not only mean an absence of illness or disease. The right to health is closely linked to other fundamental human rights, most notably access to potable water and adequate hygiene. All children have the right to timely access to appropriate health services. This requires the establishment of a system to protect health, including access to essential medicine. The realization of the right to health implies that each country will put in place health services that are available in any circumstance, accessible to everyone, of good quality and satisfactory. Top | | | |
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